Our History

The Latham buying group originated in the 1960’s as the original buying group with an organized purchasing philosophy. Latham Buying Group has been a major factor and trend setter within the industry for over 50 years and was founded on the principals of honesty and integrity. Many of our members have been part of our buying group for 25 to 35 years with second generation operations in many of the sales centers.

National Buyers Group was established in 1983 as a common buying cooperative. Membership most recently had 58 members in 16 states representing over 300 sales outlets and more than 30,000 community sites.

In January 2021, the members of National Buyers Group and Latham Buying Group all became members of National Latham Group, LLC. This combination allowed for 100 members in 14 states producing approximately $110,000,000 in average annual contract volume, providing our members with unmatched buying power in the industry.